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“Violation of a regulation. » Arab Contractors announces its protest and demands a return.

9:46 p.m.

Tuesday June 25, 2024

Written by Hend Awad:

The Arab Contractors Club announced, in an official statement, that it had filed a protest and an official request to replay its match against Pyramids, due to the violation of the statute by the Referees Committee in appointing referee Mohamed Al -Hanafi to lead the match.

The statement said: “The referee, Muhammad Al-Hanafi, failed the physical fitness test twice at the start and middle of the season, and the Football Association’s referee regulations do not allow the referee to submit to a physical fitness test. test a third time, and according to the regulations “Article 43, clauses 1 and 2, article 52, clause no. 4”, he must be excluded from match management until the end of the season.

He added: “The referee must pass a FIFA approved physical fitness test (Warner Test), which is a mandatory requirement. The referee failed this test twice, and he remained banned from officiating for an entire season. he officiated last season and, according to the rules, he should have continued to be excluded until the end of the season. The current president of the Portuguese Referees Committee, Pereira, previously announced that referee Mohamed Al-Hanafi would stay until the end of the season. the end of the season as a video-only referee, but we were all surprised by his appointment to manage the Al-Mokawloon and Pyramids match, which is a clear violation of the law that requires a replay of the match.

The statement continued: “It should be noted that the last match presided over by referee Mohamed Al-Hanafi as referee was that of Al-Ahly and Al-Ahly Bank on June 29, 2023, and it was excluded. the Football Federation and the Association of Clubs to respond quickly to the letter, especially since the result of the match is considered invalid according to the regulations of the International Football Federation, Article 43 provides for the suspension of the activity.

“1- The referee of all categories who does not carry out the written or physical test for the first time or does not present a medical certificate at the time of the start of the test, will be excluded from the pool of referees available for appointment as long as that the situation persists. 2- The referee who did not pass the written or physical test the first time, during the first or second rehearsal, will be excluded from the pool of referees available for appointment, considering that he failed to the test.

The statement concluded: “As stipulated in Article 52 of the Physical Test, General Provisions, the referee who, during the first test, does not carry out the test or submit a medical certificate at the time the test begins, will be excluded from the pool of available referees. for appointment as long as the situation persists.

“Violation of a regulation.  » Arab Contractors announces its protest and demands a return.

“Violation of a regulation.  » Arab Contractors announces its protest and demands a return.

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